Tuesday 4 February 2014

Great fun

Today was great fun and finally my work begins!
The first group of volunteers are here, the English ones fresh from England and the Indian ones from all over India. These volunteers age from 18-25 and have raised £2000 each to be here. They are to be divided into groups of 12 and lead by a pair of team leaders. One team leader is English and the other is Indian.  The team leaders have been here for three weeks recieving training on thier roles. They have learnt soft skills and practical skills, visited the villages in which they will live for 10 weeks, completing sustainable development projects and promoting healthy living, culture exchange etc. it is all highly planned. Myself and brigit are responsible for the whole workforce and will be responsible for Golding well being days in the villages where we promote good health ranging from subject like anemia tooth brush club, kitchen gardens, hand washing, food prep etc etc. 

Today we had to take medical histories and emphasise our presence on a one on one basis to each of the volunteers.  Kinda like a Gp consultation. We checked thier personal first aid kits and went through the purpose of the medics.

I really enjoyed this part of the day.  Meeting young people, having chats, reassuring them and relieving apprehension and deleting any previous negative experiences that they have had accessing health care. Bridge is very mumsy and so is definitely a good balance to myself.  I'm more matter of fact and together the team works. 
I must have taken 40 or so histories over 2 and and bit hours. I know a lot about the volunteers and with Bridget this helps us to be as effective as possible if the volunteer needed medical assistance from ourselves or in country services.

My look etc defo works well with this cohort of people who was quite amused that I was thier doctor and most definitely put a lot of the volunteers at ease - which is what we want.  It is a fact that may of the volunteers won't disclose some things, last year the groups had a lot of eating disorders pop up. Some were known about some were.  My role is to be supportive but safe. I am not really trained to deal with such issues and raliegh actually recommend that we are supportive but donot give definitive care. A lot if the time the eating issues are to do with adaptation to the Indian diet relates to d&v or maybe present and undeclared. Myself and briget are bound by confidentially in the western world but in India out contract allows us to discuss any behaviour that puts the volunteer or volunteers team at risk to be discussed with the seniors and head office. The volunteers know this but also know that we want to try and support them through anything and not send them home so we ask for complete honesty to ensure that everybody is supported.  I know that some volunteers may not gave disclosed things but I hope that seeing how non judgemental and willing to listen bridge and I are that they will come to us if need be - only time will tell.

Speaking of advice, bless him an Indian came to me yesterday asking how he could stop his legs from being dry and cracked and his to make them soft like mine.  I don't think he had ever exfoliated or moisturised his legs in his life. I tried to explain the process with no success and so whislt out in an errand trip yesterday I bought him a sponge and baby oil. Literally cost nothing! The sponge 50p Johnson's baby oil 85p nothing, showed on how to use it ( you need to be very explicit and demonstrative because the Indian way is to say that you do understand even when you do not). This morning he came runnnnnning up to me "dr ronke dr ronke look look smooth"
Lads legs were SHINNNNNY! He was made up. 
And that's kinda the other end of spectrum of my purpose here. A lot of my advice has been hygiene and health advice. From flossing, to brushing ones tongue to foot care. The very basics. Bit this I enjoy actually. Health promotion is my fave.

Speaking of health promotion one of my toes is a gammy mess. I managed to get a bluster which isn't infected but dorsnt look pretty!!! Is it sad that I am excited about its evolution?

Tomo I get to give a talk on health and hygiene / expedition basics. 
As I can talk I've been given an HOUR wooooooop!! 

I'm busy and busy is good.  I look forward to meeting the next batch of volunteers, myself and a team of three will be collecting them from Bangalore on Friday!! I haven't seen Bangalore in the day! - exciting.

So everyone else is greeting post here, feeling a bit left out. If anyone fancies giving me a England up date that would be grand!!!!

anyway thanks for reading 

Dry skin

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